
Aggregate Data on Farmgate and Retail Food Prices

National Farmers Union’s Submission to House of Commons Standing Committee

Canadians have been struggling to afford groceries. Many farmers have been struggling to make a living. Food retailers and processors, however, have increased their profits.

The NFU has prepared a series of graphs that compare the farmgate prices farmers receive for their crops and livestock to the prices that grocers and other food retailers receive for the food they sell. These graphs present clear evidence to support the following three points:

  1. The gap between these two prices—farmgate and retail—has steadily widened over recent decades. Thus, while the current period of food price inflation is particularly stark, the underlying problem is a chronic trend that started long before the COVID pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and other recent supply chain disruptions.
  2. Supply management is not the cause of food price inflation. Price increases are occurring in both Canada and the United States for both supply-managed and non-supply-managed goods. In fact, supply management is functioning as designed to avoid drastic changes in food prices.
  3. The real causes of food price increases are retailers and processors taking ever-larger portions of Canadians’ food dollars. These trends are made worse by increasing corporate concentration, where a handful of large companies exert their power over markets.

Click here to view the full brief.