Save Our Seed!
The National Farmers Union’s Save Our Seed Campaign aims to influence the Canadian federal government to adopt a truly farmer-friendly seed law that balances the interests of the public, farmers and plant breeders in a manner accepted by the Canadian public. The NFU calls for a new Seed Act that recognizes the inherent rights of farmers to save, reuse, select, exchange, and sell seeds.
Below, check out the facts about corporate seed practices in Canada that are the reason for this campaign. We also maintain an essential video library for learning about issues related to seed saving and exchange in Canada.
The federal government’s Seed Regulatory Modernization process is a critical crossroads where global corporations seeking to control Canada’s seed for their own benefit are challenging our public interest-based seed regulatory framework. Read more →
The CFIA has changed its interpretation of the regulations governing genetically modified seed, and now allows most new plants created by gene editing to be released without any regulatory oversight or notification. We are calling for this decision to be reversed, and to instead make regulation and public disclosure mandatory for all gene edited seed. Read more →
The corporate sector aims to control farmers’ access to seed. One way is by making it illegal or too costly to use farm-saved seed. Read more →
Plant Breeders’ Rights (PBR) is a type of “intellectual property” similar to a patent, where the developers of new plant varieties claim ownership over the variety. Read more →
Because alfalfa is a perennial plant that is pollinated by bees, genetically modified alfalfa will inevitably cross-pollinate with non-GM and organic alfalfa, threatening the livelihoods of family farmers across Canada. Read about NFU’s campaign to stop GM alfalfa. Read more →
Bill C-18, the “Agricultural Growth Act” omnibus bill enacted UPOV 91 in Canada, dramatically increases seed companies’ power. Read more →
Seeds Canada, CropLife Canada, and Seed Synergy are seed industry lobbies working to increase their wealth and power by taking away farmers’ seed rights. Read more →
The NFU calls for a new Seed Act that recognizes the inherent rights of farmers to save, reuse, select, exchange, and sell seeds. Read more →