NFU University

About NFUniversity

With classes on the second and fourth Thursday of each month from October through April, NFUniversity features experts, researchers, farmers, and others on topics ranging from climate change, agroecology, seed policy, carbon markets, and beyond. The sessions build upon the foundational knowledge many NFU members and others already have, delving deeper to advance our understanding to a higher level, and increase our capacities to analyze and advocate. Recordings of previous NFUniversity classes are posted on our Past Classes page.

Classes take place on Zoom, from 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Pacific time. Each class includes a question-and-answer period after the speaker’s presentation. French interpretation will be provided if requested when registering at least one week in advance.

If you would like to get email notifications of upcoming classes please subscribe to our NFUniversity notification email list here.

Upcoming courses

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2023-2024 Schedule

October 12—Canadian Farm Resilience Agency

October 26—Resisting land grabs for eucalyptus plantations in Brazil

November 23—No class join us at the NFU Convention!

January 11—How to Reduce Emissions Now

January 25—Social and Economic Impacts of Land Use Change

February 8—Indigenous Knowledge

February 22— Black farmers history

March 14—Wetlands

March 28—Colonial Roots of Modern Free Trade Agreements

April 11—Agroecology

April 25—TBD