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GLASGOW, Scotland—This past Saturday, November 6th, members of the NFU delegation at COP26 in Glasgow took to the streets during the Global Day for Climate Justice with more than 100,000 climate activists to demand action and accountability from our world leaders and governance systems.
We marched together with our hosts, the Landworkers Alliance (LWA), and other La Via Campesina (LVC) members who were able to join us on the streets of Glasgow despite COVID-19 and political inequalities related to international travel. LWA are a United Kingdom-wide member-based organization made up of farmers, foresters, and landworkers working for food sovereignty through agroecology. The NFU is a founding member of LVC and works to strategize politically with the movement when we are working internationally.
The ‘Farmers Bloc’ was third in the march’s order of proceedings, led by blocs of Indigenous Peoples and Migrant Workers. Our relatively small but mighty group, numbering in the hundreds, worked with LWA to create beautiful props that were carried during the march, including native flowers, birds of Scotland, and papier mâché trees. Despite the rain that drenched us on and off for the 3 hours that we walked through the winding streets of Glasgow, spirits were high, our cheers were loud, and we carried our LVC banners and flags with pride.
“Marching with farmers who share the vision for food sovereignty and climate justice was an incredibly powerful feeling, and it is during actions like this that we collectively strengthen LVC’s movement. Getting agroecology on the table as a real solution to the climate crisis is a struggle, but as we were chanting during the march “farmers are unstoppable, another world is possible,” and I know this is true,” said Jessie MacInnis of the march. “What kept me moving was thinking of all of the LVC organizations who could not be with us because of the exclusionary nature of this conference, as it is their struggles we must uplift the most.”
Stuart Oke remarked that “The Global Day for Climate Justice was empowering and a refreshing break for those of us who have been feeling disgusted with the corporate greenwashing we’ve seen inside the formal COP26 proceedings.”
The march wound its way from Kelvingrove Park to Glasgow Green where a rally organized by the COP26 Coalition took place. The rally uplifted grassroots and marginalized voices to demand real action and state commitments for climate justice. Paula Gioia, a member of LVC’s International Coordination Committee and longtime movement leader, spoke on behalf of LVC, capping off her inspiring speech leading the crowd with a round of call and response: “Globalize the struggle, globalize hope!”
The Global Day for Climate was a halfway milestone for the NFU delegation who are gearing up for another week of climate crisis advocacy on behalf of Canadian farmers, movement building and solidarity work with Indigenous peoples, our comrades in the Global South, and LVC members here in Glasgow, and learning from allies in other sectors to expand our understanding of a just transition.
Jessie MacInnis and Stuart Oke are part of the NFU’s farmer contingent at the COP26 talks in Scotland.
To get into contact with our NFU farmers contingent, please email:
Darrin Qualman, NFU Director of Climate Crisis Policy and Action, qualman@nfu.ca
**Translation supported by Heritage Canada