Courtney Nell, age 17, lives on a mixed farm near Francis, Saskatchewan. She raises chickens for eggs and helps on the farm in the shop and driving equipment. Courtney plans on going to the University of Saskatchewan for Soil Science next year. She enjoys farming and hopes to one day farm on her own or with my family.
Here is her winning entry:
Food Can Be Racist?
For a white person living on a farm in Saskatchewan it is something hard to stay up to date with issues in the world and it is hard to connect to them. But this is an issue that all farmers should be concerned about regardless of race. Youth in both cities and farms are going to be the people who are going to change the food system. I believe the food system has to change in many ways in order to be anti-racist and socially just.
To start with, grocery stores in Regina need to change the products they stock. It is hard to find the ingredients to cook foods that are Korean, Afghanistan etc., without going to many little special stores that don’t even have everything and are expensive. All types of food should be available for everyone at reasonable prices, especially things that can be produced cheaply.
Everyone knows about the controversy of having the picture of former black slaves on syrup bottles and oatmeal brands. Because it has a negative past, this has to be changed to not make such a violent and unjust part of our history a marketing tool. A lot of people have called for change on these brands. These companies need to own up to having a racist label and take action to change that.
For the food system to be socially just and anti-racist it needs to have different types of foods available to everyone at a reasonable price and in a non derogatory manner.
The youth of today are playing a huge role in making this type of food system, this type of world a reality. Many people are joining protest groups and are being heard that way. Others who can’t take part in those protests are using all the tools they have at their disposal. These include social media platforms including, but not limited to TikTok, Instagram and Facebook. As youth in today’s world, the ways to have our voices heard are endless. Show pride in your generation and stand up to one of the most talked about causes in a long time. Do everything you can. Go to rallies, post on social media, do everything you possibly can to show the world that our generation is changing it for the better.