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Webinar – Building solidarity with Indigenous peoples for food sovereignty

February 27, 2019 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm EST

The National Farmers Union’s 2019 Webinar Series on Indigenous Food Sovereignty and Settler-Colonialism in Canadian Agriculture 

The NFU invites all our members and allies to join a series of on-line discussions (“webinars”) on Indigenous food sovereignty and settler-colonialism in Canadian agriculture. The discussions will take place over the course of the winter and spring of 2019.

The first webinar will take place on-line on 27 February 2019 at 6:30 PM Eastern Time. We are very pleased to be welcoming Danielle Boissoneau and Adrianne Xavier.

Danielle Boissoneau is Anishnaabe kwe writer, mother and seedkeeper. She actively reclaims space on the land and in her mind for new ways of living. Decolonization through intentional practice of building relationships with the land, with food and with the people is another way that she shares herself with the world. Danielle has shared her written words with Briarpatch Magazine, GUTS Magazine, as well as being a contributing writer to the Two Row Times. She grows her children and her food with love and power.

Adrianne Lickers Xavier knows the power of food! As a predoctoral fellow at Queens University this year she is working to complete her doctoral education with research that centres on food security at her home community of Six Nations in southern Ontario. She has experience in community based grass roots food as well as work in the larger food movement. Adrianne’s research integrates food security, culture, community building and gender and believes that individuals make the difference.

Purpose of the webinar series: The NFU has a firm commitment to building relationships of solidarity with Indigenous peoples in Canada. We hope this webinar will:

  1. Deepen our understanding of on-going settler colonialism in Canada from the perspective of Indigenous peoples who are the experts of their own histories and experiences;
  2. Build relationships based on shared interests in food sovereignty and acknowledgement of differences;
  3. Discuss pathways for solidarity and joint action between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples to challenge settler-colonialism in the food system and contribute to building food sovereignty for all.

This webinar will be held on the Zoom online meeting platform.

Join the meeting by computer or smart phone by clicking https://zoom.us/j/195771300 . If you do not have access to a computer or smart phone, you can call  in.  If you have a long distance plan, please call 1 647 558 0588, if not you may call the toll free number 1 855 703 8985. The call-in Meeting ID is 195 771 300. If you are using your smart phone for a Zoom meeting for the first time you will need to download the app (available from the App store or Play store) before you join the meeting.

Please join the webinar by 6:30 PM Eastern Time. If you are outside of Ontario or Quebec, adjust for your own time zone (see https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zone/canada for help)


February 27, 2019
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm EST