Thanks to everyone who attended and participated! Click here to view the PowerPoint presentation given at the webinar.
Ag Canada has launched consultations on proposals to increase seed royalties either by an End Point Royalty or with Trailing Contracts. The proposed royalty scheme would have farmers who use their own seed pay millions of dollars more to seed companies every year, and make illegal the ancient practice of freely saving and reusing seed by creating new regulations under the Plant Breeders Rights Act.
In this webinar, Terry Boehm, Chair of the National Farmers Union Seed Committee and former NFU President, will explain how the proposed royalty system would harm farmers, citizens, and society in general — and what we can do to stop this from happening. The webinar will also include a Question and Answer session.
This webinar will be held on the Zoom online meeting platform. If this is your first Zoom meeting, please go to and “sign up” at least 10 minutes before the meeting starts. If you are using your smart phone you may need to download the app before you join the meeting.
Join the webinar
Please join the webinar by 1:00 PM Eastern Time. If you are outside of Ontario or Quebec, adjust for your own time zone (see for help)
To stay informed on the #SaveOurSeed campaign and farm saved seed royalty issues, subscribe to the SOS Action Group.