Region 3 | Media Release

Emery Huszka New NFU-O President and Region 3 Coordinator

Guelph, ON—Emery Huszka of Florence, Ontario was chosen as the new National Farmers Union – Ontario President, NFU National Board member, and NFU Region 3 Coordinator at the Annual General Meeting held March 5 in Kingston, Ontario.

As membership continues to grow, the NFU-O is focused on sharing its core values with both rural and urban populations, highlighting the need for strong rural communities and sustainable local economies, prioritizing issues affecting farmers and promoting the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of family farms and rural communities. “We may not agree on all issues, but we will engage thoughtfully and take action constructively,” notes Huszka. “We are known for asking hard questions, and I intend to continue on that path.”

“Along with my fellow NFU-O members, I’m pleased to volunteer my time representing all farmers no matter their gender, age, or race. My grandparents and dad bravely crossed a war zone to come to Ontario in the 1950s. They worked hard, starting with nothing, to build a farming future for their family. Rural communities supported their determination then, and I am committed to asking everyone to join with the NFU-O in supporting those same rural communities now,” Huszka commented.

Also elected to the NFU-O Board and NFU Region 3 Council were Katie Ward (Woodlawn) as Vice President and Women’s Advisor; Martin Boettcher (Brussels) as Youth Advisor; Tony Straathof (Westmeath) and Don Ciparis (Rodney) as National Board members; Tim Tabbert (Foresters Falls), Dan Kretschmar (Severn Bridge), and former President, Karen Eatwell (Denfield), continue serving as Councillors-at-large.

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For more information contact:

Emery Huszka, NFU-O President: 519-692-4892;
Sarah Bakker, NFU-O General Manager: 705-738-3993,