In this issue:
Messages from the Editorial Advisory Committee, President Katie Ward, Youth President Stuart Oke; Regional Coordinators
It’s a blast from the past! In celebration of the NFU’s 50th Anniversary, we are profiling some of the folks who have held national elected positions over the years, including Ann Slater, NFU Vice President (Policy), 2013 – 2015; Cory Ollikka, former Youth President, National Vice President and National President (1998-2001).
Tribute to Evelyn Potter, Founding NFU Women’s President – by Coral Sproule, NFU Women’s Vice President
Meet Margret Asmuss: Project Coordinator for the NFU Climate Leadership Project — Margret officially starts work at the beginning of October and is looking forward to working with NFU members from across Canada on this very important project
NFU to host Via Campesina youth for regional gathering — Ferme Terre Partagée in Rogersville, New Brunswick, in coordination with a number of NFU youth members, are hosting approximately thirty La Via Campesina (LVC) youth members from across North America for a dynamic, politically‐oriented gathering in early November.
Who’s in Charge of Agricultural Policy? —by Cam Goff, NFU Vice President Policy. It appears that AAFC staff and the Chief Commissioner of the CGC have embarked on a revision of both the Canada Grain Act and the Canadian Grain Commission’s
mandate guided solely by the wishes of the grain companies.
Prison Farm Update — A beekeeping project is part of the return of the prison farm program at the two Kingston institutions.
Standing in Solidarity with Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement —by Coral Sproule. Coral participated in three days of solidarity and planning meetings with Friends of the MST to learn from and support Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement, an ally and fellow member in La Via Campesina.
Getting involved:
National Farmers Foundation – There is a meaningful volunteer opportunity available for an NFU Associate Member.
NFU Climate Leadership Project – we want to hear about how climate change is affecting you and the way you farm.
NFU 50th Annual Convention details and advance registration info
Beingessner Award – This year’s theme is: Farmers are on the frontline of the climate crisis. At this critical juncture when farmers must consider and employ climate adaptation and mitigation strategies, what does farming in a changing climate look like to you? Deadline for entries: November 1, 2019
We Remember …
NFU’s first Women’s President, Evelyn Joan Potter and Jean Leahy, NFU Women’s President, 1975 – 1979.