
Union Farmer Newsletter:

July – August 2019

Inside this issue …

Realized Net Farm Income nose-dives — Taken altogether, Canadian farmers’ total take-home pay dropped by nearly half in just one year.

Save Our Seed Campaign — Petition update

New Animal Welfare Legislation planned for Ontario — In June 2019, the NFU-O submitted the following input to the public consultation towards a new provincial law that is Charter compliant,

NFU calls for federal environmental assessment of the Blackbird Creek Drainage Project — Farmland drainage and illegal ditching have been contentious issues in south-eastern Saskatchewan and southwestern Manitoba for decades. The NFU made the following points federal environmental assessment of large drainage projects.

Should DON and Falling Number be Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) grading factors? — DON, also known as vomitoxin, is caused by certain strains of fusarium infection of grain. Falling Number measures whether the grain is in the early stages of sprouting, which reduces baking quality.

Build public trust with democratic regulation, not PR campaigns — by Cathy Holtslander, NFU Director of Research and Policy.