NFU President Jenn Pfenning congratulates David Hunt, newly appointed Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Grain Commission
NFU President Jenn Pfenning sent the following letter of congratulations to David Hunt, newly appointed Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Grain Commission.
Dear Chief Commissioner Hunt,
On behalf of the National Farmers Union, I would like to congratulate you on your appointment as Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Grain Commission. The NFU is a strong supporter of the CGC, and sees it as one of Canada’s most important institutions. We believe it is impossible to overstate the CGC’s value in bringing fairness, transparency, confidence, quality assurance, and order to Canada’s grain sector. Our enviable reputation and excellent trade position is built upon the strong foundation provided by the CGC’s mandate: “the Commission shall, in the interests of the grain producers, establish and maintain standards of quality for Canadian grain and regulate grain handling in Canada, to ensure a dependable commodity for domestic and export markets.”
The NFU is a voluntary direct-membership, non-partisan, national farm organization founded in 1969 by a special Act of Parliament, and made up of thousands of farm families from across Canada. Our engagement with the CGC throughout our entire history, both via public policy processes and informally by our members in the countryside, has been a key way we have carried out our own mission to promote dignity, prosperity and a sustainable future for farmers and farm workers, farm families and their communities. The CGC’s direct services such as the Harvest Sample program and Producer Payment Protection are highly valued by our members, as is the CGC’s critical role in regulating the grain trade.
We look forward to supporting you as you take on the responsibility of upholding the CGC mandate and building the Commission along with Assistant Chief Commissioner Patty Rosher and Commissioner Lonnie McKague. We would very much like to share our perspectives in more detail, and would be happy to work with your staff to arrange a meeting with NFU leaders soon after spring seeding is completed.
Jenn Pfenning, President
National Farmers Union