Region 2 | Media Release

NFU congratulates farm workers at Lufa Farms Ville Saint Laurent for unionizing

The National Farmers Union congratulates farm workers at Lufa Farms Ville Saint Laurent rooftop greenhouse in Montreal, QC, for becoming members of United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 501. We applaud Lufa Farms workers’ dedication, bravery, and unity in taking this important step in ensuring fair and just working conditions at Lufa Farms – the world’s largest urban commercial rooftop farm and the second of Lufa’s four greenhouses to achieve unionization. The NFU hopes for a fair and expedient bargaining process as workers negotiate their first collective agreement. 

By joining UFCW, Lufa Farms workers have gained a strong support system that will safeguard workers rights; advocate for better wages, health and safety training, benefits, and improved working conditions; and provide comprehensive representation during negotiations with the employer. As part of a union, farm workers now have a collective voice that will amplify their concerns, empower them to effect meaningful change, and create a platform for solidarity among all farm workers. 

Despite the proven benefits of union membership, only a handful of farm workers in Canada are covered under a union contract. In two of Canada’s major growing provinces, Ontario and Alberta, farm workers are denied the legal right to unionization. Ontario employs the highest number of Temporary Foreign Workers in agriculture nationally. A 2019 WSIB report named agriculture the most hazardous industry. It is imperative that farm workers in all provinces have access to the right to unionize and to gain the same protections and benefits as Lufa Farms workers. 

The NFU stands firmly in solidarity with all farm workers across Canada – migrant and resident – and calls for the recognition and protection of their right to organize and collectively bargain.

If you are a farm worker and need help, contact The NFU also hosts a monthly meet up for farm workers looking for community, peer support, and political advocacy. For more details visit