National | Letters

Letter to Canadian Grain Commission – Economic Impact

The NFU sent the following letter to the CGC regarding an economic impact analysis of using export grading standards at country elevators on March 13, 2024.

Dear Chief Commissioner Chorney,

On Wednesday, February 21st 2024, members of the National Farmers Union (NFU) were pleased to participate in the annual Canadian Grain Commission’s (CGC) stakeholder engagement meetings. We appreciate the opportunity to converse with the Commissioners and staff of the CGC about the past year’s work and plans for the coming year.

One notable development in the past year was the reversal of the CGC’s proposal to change grading standards for wheat and durum such that export standards would be used at primary elevators.

At the update meeting you mentioned that the CGC had developed a cost-benefit analysis on the impacts of this change that showed a positive benefit to producers. We would therefore request a copy of the particular data used to reach this conclusion, as the results of this evaluation will be valuable for advancing public discussion.

We look forward to reading the study.


Jenn Pfenning,

President, National Farmers Union

CC Patty Rosher, CGC Assistant Chief Commissioner

Lonny McKague, CGC Assistant Commissioner

Hon. Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agrifood

NFU letter to CGC re Economic Analysis