Letter of Solidarity to Brazil’s MST
Letter of Solidarity to Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement,
Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST)
The National Farmers Union (NFU) of Canada expresses deep sadness over the murder of Márcio Matos (Marcinho), leader of the MST in the state of Bahia, Brazil, on January 24th 2018. We denounce his murder and add our voices to yours, demanding the Government of Brazil conduct a full investigation to ensure that the perpetrators are brought to trial.
As a member of the global small-scale farmer movement, La Vía Campesina, we seek to build solidarity with farmers internationally. The NFU is therefore deeply concerned for the safety and well-being of MST leaders. The death of Márcio Matos has added to a disheartening surge of violence against peasants in Brazil in the last two years under Michel Temer’s illegitimate government. The NFU recognizes that leaders and activists in La Vía Campesina member organizations who stand in the way of agri-business and corporate profits are being targeted for violence, including murder, as part of the unjust capitalist industrial agricultural transformation of the countryside.
We condemn all forms of oppression of rural peoples and stand in solidarity with the MST and your tireless battle to reclaim land for the dispossessed and landless. The NFU commits to continuing our common struggle against neo-liberal and pro-corporatization policies as we fight together for food sovereignty.
In Struggle and Solidarity,
Coral Sproule, President
National Farmers Union, Canada