Thursday, September 16, 2021
7:00 PM (Pacific Time)
Join us to hear these great speakers, have your voice heard about NFU resolutions, and elect your leadership. Speakers include:
Join us on-line and invite friends to learn about “Managing through Crisis” and updates from the regional and national leadership.
7:00 PM Call to Order Introductions
7:10 PM Welcome — Regional Coordinator Seann Dory
7:15 PM “Coping with Change” – Briana Hagen & Katie Hayes
7:45 PM “Emergency Preparedness on your Farm” – John Cathro
8:15 PM Break
8:20 PM Minutes of Prior Meeting
8:25 PM National President’s Annual Report — Katie Ward
8:35 PM British Columbia/Yukon Updates & Issues
– Regional Coordinator’s Report, Seann Dory
– Women’s Advisory Report, Julie Enman
– Youth Report, Youth President, Stuart Oke
– IPC Report, Seann Dory
8:55 PM R8 Elections (Board members, Women’s Advisor, Youth Advisor, IPC rep)
9:00 PM Resolutions: if there are any issues that matter to you and would like the NFU to work on, please submit your resolutions to NFU National Office by Monday, September 13.
9:30 PM Adjournment
Joining by computer:
Go to the Zoom website and click on Join a Meeting, then enter the Meeting ID and Passcode.
The Meeting ID is 837 2050 3540 and the Passcode is 578473 or click the URL:
Joining by phone:
1. Write down the Meeting ID and Passcode numbers on a piece of paper in advance.
2. Dial one of these numbers: 1 204 272 7920; 1 587 328 1099; or 1 778 907 2071
3. Enter the Meeting ID: 837 2050 3540 and the Passcode: 578473
If you have concerns about connecting to Convention, please contact Mara Shaw, or the National Office at or 306-652-9465. Someone will answer any questions and help you join in.