Dear NFU Member,
We invite you to join us for an informative evening of speakers, updates and democratic process at the Region 7 Convention. Given the continuing health situation across the region, the Regional Convention will again be on-line via Zoom. We have included in this mailing detailed instructions on how to connect remotely through both internet and telephone so those members without internet coverage can still participate fully.
We hope you will join us online and invite friends to come and hear the presentations and get updates from regional and national leadership. A social hosted by Toby Malloy follows.
To join by computer:
Go to the Zoom website and click on Join a Meeting, then enter the Meeting ID and Passcode. The Meeting ID is 872 1420 7317 and the Passcode is 748225 To join by phone: 1. Write down the Meeting ID and Passcode numbers in advance. 2. Dial one of these numbers: 1 204 272-7920; 1 438 809-7799; 1 587 328-1099 3. Enter the Meeting ID: 872 1420 7317 and the Passcode: 748225 If you have any concerns about connecting to Convention, please contact Mara Shaw or 613 217-9404, or the National Office at or 306 652-9465. Someone will answer any questions and help you join in. |
7:00 PM Call to Order
Elect a chair
7:05 PM Welcome by the NFU National President, Katie Ward
7:10 PM Minutes of September 12, 2020 Meeting
7:15 PM Alberta Updates and Issues
7:25 PM National Update – Katie Ward
7:40 PM R7 Elections – Board members, Women’s Advisory, Youth Advisory, IPC rep
7:50 PM Resolutions – Bring your resolutions on issues that matter to you and you would like the NFU to work on
8:10 PM Overview of the NFU Climate Work: Darrin Qualman, NFU Director of Climate Crisis Policy & Action
9:10 PM Toby Malloy: Host – ZOOM Social
10:00 PM Adjourn
We wish you the very best in this year of unimaginable challenges. We hope you can join us to continue working for fair conditions for farmers, their families and our society.
Doug Scott, Region 7 (AB) Regional Coordinator