Come Learn & Connect: Region 6 (Saskatchewan) Convention
Join in the NFU Region 6 (SK) Convention Mon Aug 10 & Tues Aug 11!
This year is on Zoom. You can join with your computer, smartphone, tablet, or simply call in with your phone.
Participate, learn, and reconnect. Keynote speaker Darrin Qualman will also be publicly livestreamed on YouTube from our channel on August 10th and available for viewing afterwards.
There are 3 parts to the Convention this year:
1. Zoom Warm-Up
Monday, August 10, 11 AM ‐ 12 PM
Join us to test your connection, learn how to participate fully in the Convention, and to reconnect with other folks.
2. Region 6 Convention Part 1
Monday, August 10, 2 PM ‐ 5 PM
The SK Convention, with updates from SK and across the country and keynote speaker Darrin Qualman, NFU’s Director of Climate Crisis Policy and Action who will speak on “Climate Change in Agriculture—Policies that could make a difference”
3. Convention Part 2: Reconvene: Discussions/Elections/
Tuesday, August 11, 2 PM ‐ 5 PM
You must register to participate in the Zoom meeting. You can register using any of these methods if we receive your registration before August 7th:
Calling the NFU Office at (306) 652‐9465. We will require each participant’s name, email and phone number.
Emailing the NFU Office at with each each participant’s name, email and phone. Please ensure that your email includes how many voting members are joining per device.
Please read the Detailed Zoom Meeting Instructions to learn how to join
CONVENTION AGENDA ‐ Monday, August 10:
10 AM – 11 AM Zoom Social Hour & Warm-Up
2:00 PM Call to Order, Introductions
2:10 PM Welcome by the NFU National President, Katie Ward
2:20 PM Minutes of Previous Meeting
2:30 PM Climate Change in Agriculture: Policies that could make a Difference
- Speaker: Darrin Qualman, NFU Director of Climate Crisis Policy & Action
- Members are encouraged to read the NFU’s Fact Sheets on climate change and emissions (
tackling‐the‐farm‐crisis‐and‐ the‐climate‐crisis/) or the full report: Tackling the Farm Crisis and the Climate Crisis. - It’s your chance to discuss: What policy and action is needed by the government and by farmers to reduce GHGs? What should we prioritize?
3:45 PM Dr. Christy Morrissey: Update of 2019 report delivered at Bruno
5:00 PM Adjourn
Reconvene – Tuesday August 11
2:00 PM Water, Water Everywhere: About $4 billion worth
- An open discussion topic
2:20 PM Reports ‐ Board members, Women’s Advisor, Youth Advisor, IPC rep
3:00 PM Elections ‐ Board members, Women’s Advisor, Youth Advisor, IPC rep
3:15 PM Resolutions
5:00 PM Adjournment
7:00 PM Reconvene if necessary for resolutions
If you have any concerns about connecting to this Convention, please contact Mara Shaw at or 613‐217‐9404. She will answer any questions and help you join in. Don’t let COVID‐19 keep you from connecting!
See you online,
Glenn Tait
Region 6 Coordinator