
Response to Proposed Amendments to the Canada Grain Act in regard to the Canadian Grain Commission

The National Farmers Union (NFU) welcomes the opportunity to respond to proposed changes to the Canada Grain Act that would affect the Canadian Grain Commission and ultimately grain producers. The NFU is Canada’s largest democratic national voluntary direct membership organization. It is financed almost entirely by membership dues and member donations. The NFU is made up of members from across the country, many of whom are grain producers. The NFU works for economic and social justice for family farmers.

The Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) celebrates its 100th Anniversary this year along with the Canada Grain Act. The CGC has been an extremely important institution for Canada’s grain producers throughout this time period. Its importance remains undiminished at this time and there is no reason to expect that would change in the future, except of course if changes are made which destroy the rationale for its existence. There is a very real danger of this if the changes considered are implemented.

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