Due to the ongoing pandemic and the restrictions preventing an in person convention, the Saskatchewan Regional Convention will be held virtually again this year using Zoom on Wednesday March 31. You will be able to attend from the comfort of your home by phone or computer.
Registration is required – To register scroll down and fill out the form at the bottom of this page or, email nfu@nfu.ca or call 306 652 9465.
If you are new to Zoom, join us for a Zoom Warm-up at 9:30 am to learn how to participate fully in the Convention and to reconnect.
The Convention will begin at 10:00 and run til 3:30 with a one-hour lunch break from 12 til 1.
10 am Welcome and introductions
10:15 am Reports from the Regional Co-ordinator and National Board Members, Women’s Advisory, Youth Advisory and International Program Committee
10:30 am Nominations for Grassroots Member Award
10:35 am Greetings from Katie Ward, NFU President
10:50 am Greetings from Mara Shaw, NFU Executive Director
11:05 am Campaign updates: Climate change, Seed Sovereignty, WGRF, Transportation, CGC, and Livestock
11:45 am Report of the Nominations Committee and Election of Officers
12:00 pm Lunch break
1:00 pm Keynote Speaker: Robert Halliday, consulting engineer and former Director of Canada’s National Hydrology Research Centre.
Topic: South Saskatchewan Irrigation Project: development in Saskatchewan
2:00 pm Resolutions
2:45 pm Breakout groups to discuss priorities for R6 this year/opportunity to participate further in Union business
3:30 pm Adjournment
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