It is our pleasure to invite you to 2 upcoming events in Saskatoon. First, join us on Thursday, April 11th at 7pm for The Depth of Field Film Festival, featuring 5 short films about SK farmers and their sustainable practices. Stay for a Q&A with some of the featured farmers! REGISTER HERE or at the door!
The following day Friday, April 12th, we will gather again for our Annual Regional Convention. It has been several years since Region 6 has been able to hold the convention in person and we very much hope to see you there. Read on for details!
Location: Station 20 West (1120 20th St W) in Saskatoon
or online via Zoom (pre-register to receive the link)
Admission: Pay-what-you-can with a suggested fee of $35 for those attending in person. (Lunch and refreshments will be provided.) REGISTER HERE.
All are welcome to attend, however only farmer members may vote in elections and resolutions processes.
9:30– Doors open
10:00 – Welcome, land acknowledgement and introductions
10:30 – NFU-national updates (and greetings from President Jenn Pfenning)
11:00 – NFU-regional updates
12:00 – Panel Discussion on Seed Sovereignty (presenters TBA)
1:00 – Lunch, catered by the Boxcar Cafe
2:00 – Keynote (TBA)
3:00 – Regional Council Elections
3:30 – Regional Resolutions
5:00 – Adjournment
*Subject to change slightly as we lock down final details. We will keep registrants updated.
Please email Julie at with resolution and nomination submissions, as well as any questions. Resolutions and nominations from the floor will be accepted, but would be appreciated in advance.
Call the National NFU Office at +1-306-652-9465 if support is needed with the registration process.
About Resolutions:
The NFU’s Policy Statement compiles all policies — including position statements, policy recommendations to government, action directives, etc. – that have been passed by a majority vote of delegates at previous national conventions.
Each year members bring forward new policy proposals in the form of resolutions for debate on the floor of the National Convention. Resolutions that pass are added to the NFU Policy Statement.
Prior to the National Convention, each NFU Region holds an annual Regional Convention where resolutions are debated and voted upon. Resolutions that have been passed at the regional level come forward to the national Convention.
All members in good standing residing in the region may submit and vote on resolutions.
Debate at both regional and national conventions is done according to the rules of order published in Parliamentary Procedure at a Glance, New Edition by O. Garfield Jones. The goal is to have as many policy resolutions as possible heard and thoroughly debated with the least amount of time wasted.