April 30, 2024
5:00 pm
7:00 pm
Learn how to film authentic and powerful social media content that will build your audience and make a real impact! This workshop is the push you need to show up, speak your truth and connect on issues that matter most.
In this 2 hour workshop (Tuesday, April 30 at 4pm PT / 5pm AB+SK / 6pm MB / 7pm ET / 8pm AT), we will:
- Gain tips and tricks for public speaking and filming for social media
- Learn about how to apply the skills you learned and use them for NFU public communications
- Brainstorm in focused groups about your campaign/social media ideas!
Coach Heather from Deliver Your Best, who grew an audience of 95,000 followers in just four months on Instagram will teach us how to
- overcome fear and other blocks
- show up authentically in a way that feels good to you
- create engaging videos that build a relationship with your audience
- identify meaningful content that will attract the right people
- develop a process so that you can just do it
So who exactly is this for? If any one of these apply, JOIN!
- NFU members passionate about a specific farm issue, wanting to share their voice and spread their impact
- Farmers and farm workers who are seeking to up their marketing skills for their own farm projects
- Activists, communicators and anyone passionate about speaking truth to power!