Dear NFU Member,
Due to the ongoing pandemic and the restrictions preventing an in-person convention, the Manitoba Regional Convention will be held virtually again this year using Zoom on Wednesday, July 14th. You will be able to attend from the comfort of your home by phone or computer. Please register for convention (July 14 meeting) by emailing the NFU office at or by calling the NFU office at (306) 652-9465. The 3 other zoom meetings do not require registration.
Zoom Social Meet & Greet – Wednesday June 30th, 2021
7:00 PM
Join us to learn how to participate fully in the Convention and to reconnect.
Region 5 Convention – Wednesday July 14, 2021
7:00 PM to 9:30 PM
ZOOM Link or Phone-in Instructions will be the same for all sessions including Resolutions and MB Crown Land Lease changes discussion
Joining by computer:
Before meeting, go to Zoom website and download Zoom program, then click this link to go directly into the meeting.
Go to the Zoom website and click on Join a Meeting, then enter the Meeting ID and Passcode. The Meeting ID is 885 9258 8119 and the Passcode is 732484
Joining by phone:
1. Write down the Meeting ID and Passcode numbers on a piece of paper in advance.
2. Dial one of these numbers: +1 204 272 7920;
+1 438 809 7799; or
+1 204 272 7920
3. Enter the Meeting ID: 885 9258 8119 and the Passcode: 732484
If you have concerns about connecting to Convention, please contact Mara Shaw or 613‐217-9404 or the office at or 306-652-9465. Someone will answer any questions and help you join in.
2021 NFU Region 5 (Manitoba) Convention Agenda
July 14, 2021 – ZOOM 7:00 PM
Theme: Farmers, the Public and their Governments
6:45 PM: Zoom line opens
7:05 PM: Meeting Commences
- Selection of Chair & Secretary
- Moment of Reflection
7:10 PM: Introduction by Ian Robson, Regional Coordinator (10 min.)
- Past Minutes
- Past Years Highlights – Ian Robson & Ana Fyk (5 min. each)
7:20 PM: Youth Report, Justin Levesque (5 min.)
7:25 PM: 2021 R5 Election of representatives (5 min.)
- Two National Board Directors; one Women’s Advisory Rep; one Youth Rep; one IPC Rep.
- Nomination of R5 NFU Grassroots Award 2021
7:30 PM: NFU National Highlights, NFU President Katie Ward (10 min.)
- Climate Work
- Fed Ag Policy and Budget
7:45 PM: Farmers for Climate Solutions, Karen Klassen (10 min.)
BREAK – FARM TIPS – 1 minute Send us a farm tip or unique tool you use to get things done on your farm. You can send it as a message AND it would be great if you could send a picture or short 30-60 sec video explaining your farm tip to help make things engaging. Send to by July 10th.
8:00 PM: Introduction of Theme: Farmers, the Public & their Governments, Dean Harder (10 min.)
8:10 PM: Public Education, Funding MB Schools & Bill 64, Garry Draper (20 min. + 10 min. Q&A)
8:50 PM: Farmer Wellness Program, Speaker Gerry Friesen (20 min.)
9:10 PM: Discussion
Break FARM TIPS – 1 minute
9:30 PM: Meeting Adjourned
There will be a Resolutions Session held July 21st at 7 PM. Please have your resolutions in written form prior to the meeting. If you are unable to attend the meeting, resolutions can also be submitted to Ian Robson
Please join us on July 7, 2021 at 7 PM. Members and interested public are invited to join Fred Tait discussing changes to MB Crown Land Leases.
Please note: Zoom meeting ID and password will be the same as the regional convention.
We look forward to seeing you there! |