Meena Raman, with Third World Network and based in Malaysia, will share with us her knowledge of the UN climate negotiation process, including: – Recent history of UN Conference Of the Parties (COP) meetings, including the historic 2015 COP21 in Paris; – The issues up for negotiation in Scotland in November at COP26, including Article 6 (global carbon credit trading), Loss and Damage (possible financial transfers from high-emitting countries to highly-affected, low-emitting nations), and climate financing; and – Frameworks governing so-called “nature-based solutions” and other issues. The NFU is sending eight officials and members to Scotland.
Our contingent has official observer status and will participate in civil society actions, serve as contacts for the media, meet with Canadian officials, and work in solidarity with La Via Campesina allies such as the Scottish Land Workers Alliance. The NFU’s participation in Scotland will enhance our capacities to advance climate policies at home. And this NFUniversity session will provide a foundational understanding of what’s at stake, and in play, at COP26.
Webinar recording: