Your donation can be made today or you can consider the NFU in your long-term financial planning.  Both financial and land donations can be accepted.  Contact Mara at with any questions you may have about leaving a legacy gift.

Why donate to the National Farmers Union?

Donations to the NFU go straight to work in building a better farm and food system — one that works for farmers and for all who care about a vibrant, sustainable food system.

The NFU is a grassroots farmer organization that has advocated for farm families and social justice across Canada since 1969. Members work together to achieve agricultural policies that ensure dignity and income security for farm families and cooperative farms while protecting and enhancing rural environments for future generations. The NFU collaborates locally, nationally and internationally to research, educate and share effective solutions that lead to a better world for farm families and their local communities.  We are proud of our social justice work in Canada and internationally through La Via Campesina.

The National Farmers Union advocates for a food system based on the principles of food sovereignty, which calls for a food system that values farmers and what they grow; rebuilds relationships between food producers and those who eat; reclaims local decision making about food production and environmental protection; and strengthens connections between people and the land. It empowers communities and citizens to make intentional decisions based on local needs and conditions to ensure a resilient and sustainable future.

As a donor, you might like to know that the NFU puts every dime to work.  We have a small office on the north side of Saskatoon from which a small staff work with great enthusiasm for the NFU vision.  A cadre of involved members and Associate Members participate in NFU policy development and action.  We would be nowhere without them.

We invite you to join us — as a farm member, associate (non-farm) member, or with a donation.  It is all critical to sustaining our work and all is appreciated!

In Solidarity,  The NFU Team