NFU Convention 2024: Valuing Farming, Land and People - the 55th Annual Convention

Thank you for participating in the NFU’s 55th annual National Convention! Here is your “virtual convention kit” with the information you will need or find useful to take part in our hybrid convention!

If you have difficulty joining the Zoom meeting, please contact or call 306-652-9465.

Convention Handbook

Click here for your Convention Handbook in English and French. It includes:

  • Welcome / Bienvenue
  • National President’s Message / Message de la présidente nationale
  • Convention Agenda/ Agenda de la convention
  • Convention Speakers
  • Benefits and Insurance / Les avantages et l’assurance
  • Guidelines for Positive Behaviour/ Lignes directrices pour une conduite respectueuse
  • Solidarity Forever/ Solidarité mes frères et mes soeurs
  • Sponsors

Other Convention Information

Steering Committee Report – rules of order specific to our convention to be ratified by delegates at the beginning of convention.


Only delegates are entitled to move, second and vote on resolutions during convention, but everyone is welcome to participate in the debate and discussion. Resolutions coming from the floor can be emailed to When resolutions are being discussed, each resolution and any amendments to them, will be displayed on your computer screen. Click here for the printable 2024 Convention Resolutions and here for NEW resolutions (9 to 11) document prepared by the Resolutions Committee. It contains those resolutions that have been passed at a Regional Convention.

During Convention, NFU members may submit resolutions to the Resolutions Committee from the floor. These resolutions must each be “referred” by a two-thirds vote by delegates before they can be debated during convention. Note that 3 pm Central on Friday is the cut-off for non-emergency resolutions. Resolutions will not necessarily be debated in numerical sequence – the Resolutions Committee will decide the order during convention.

You may find it convenient to print the resolutions document so you can easily refer to it during debate.

For information about how to write a resolution see this handy guide Points of Order

How to vote – if you are a credentialed delegate

If you are a credentialed delegate you are entitled to move, second and vote on resolutions and in the elections for national officials. If you are joining the convention by Zoom, an NFU staff person will add a D in front of your name on the Zoom participant list to show that you are a delegate. If you are attending in person you will be provided with a bright orange voting card when you arrive. When there is a vote during convention, the Chair will provide instructions and only delegates’ votes will be counted.

NFU Policy book

The current NFU policy book is here. It includes all policy that past NFU conventions have approved. You may find it useful to refer to when considering this year’s resolutions.

Constitution and Bylaws

Click here for the NFU Constitution and Bylaws.

2024 Constitutional Amendment.

Financial Statements

Because financial statements will be presented in camera (a closed session where only NFU members are present) they will be shown on the screen during the online session. If you are a member and would like a hard copy of the financial statements, you can request them by emailing . Include your name and mailing address in your email.


Please click here to complete the Convention Evaluation to tell us how we did, contribute your ideas and reflections and provide the feedback we need to keep making conventions better. Thanks for your input!