39th Convention (2008)
The 39th Convention took place November 20-22, 2008, in Saskatoon, SK. You can order the audio from these presentations on CD.
Audio presentations by keynote speakers at the NFU 39th Annual Convention:
- Raj Patel–Stuffed and Starved: Markets, Power and the Hidden Battle for the World’s Food System
- Judy Rebick–Rebuilding the Food System for the Future
- Darrin Qualman—NFU Director of Research–Building Solutions to the Livestock Crisis
- Terry Boehm, NFU Vice-President–A New Feudalism? Seeds, Grains and Farmers’ Liability
- Larry Hill, Canadian Wheat Board Chair—Strengthening Farmers’ Market Power
- Jacques Laforge, President, Dairy Farmers of Canada–Supply-Management: A System That Works For Everyone
- Paul Nicholson—Farmers and the Global Food Crisis
- Rachel Bezner Kerr, University of Western Ontario—Soils, Food and Healthy Communities in Northern Malawi
- Peter Dowling, Kim Perry and Susan Fitzpatrick—Restoring Sustainable Farms for a Sustainable Local Food System
- Jim Smolik, Assistant Chief Commissioner, Canadian Grain Commission—Changes to the Canada Grain Act